When a service outage affecting 100 or more subscribers exists due to a particular service interruption cause, the service provider shall issue a credit allowance as follows:
(1) If a service interruption continues for 24 hours or more, 1/30th of the monthly rate for all services and facilities furnished and billed by the service provider that are rendered useless or substantially impaired for each 24 hours (or fraction thereof).
(2) If a service interruption is for less than 24 hours, and if credit is requested by the subscriber on the grounds that service for the day was substantially impaired by such interruption or interruptions, then, a credit allowance will be issued for that day at 1/30th of the monthly rate.
(3) If the service provider reasonably determines that the interruption was in part caused by the loss of commercial power to the service provider’s network, the credit allowance period will begin 24 hours after commercial power is restored.
(4) This section shall not apply to commercial customers who receive service pursuant to a negotiated agreement that includes a customer credit provision for service interruptions.
Last updated: 03/20/23