How and Why to Keep Up With the Latest Tech Trends
Contributed Article
Whatever industry you work in and no matter what your role is, it’s possible you have wondered how emerging technologies will affect your job in the years to come or whether you’ll even have to switch careers entirely at some point.
Experts say that while such concerns are understandable, embracing the latest tech trends can empower individuals and businesses to do great things. Previous technical revolutions have consistently led to net job gains. In 2018 the number of job postings for positions in emerging tech increased 74 percent over 2017, according to Cyberstates, a resource on the U.S. tech industry.
“Unease about innovation is understandable, but education can alleviate the concerns,” says Todd Thibodeaux, president and CEO, CompTIA, a leading technology association that created Future of Tech, a new education hub designed for anyone interested in learning about technology.
Thibodeaux points out that if it feels like things are shifting quickly at work, at home and in the world around you, it isn’t your imagination.
“It’s been decades since we’ve had this many paradigm changing technologies hitting the market at the same time. Artificial intelligence (AI), augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), big data analytics, robotics, bionics, and digital health are a few examples,” he says. “We want to normalize these technologies for people.”
Whether you’re feeling lost in the sea of all this new tech or you simply want to get a handle on the trends, consider using resources such as Future of Tech to familiarize yourself with new concepts. Learning units include such topics as cybersecurity, the internet of things, AI and AR/VR. Designed for anyone interested in learning more about technology, such resources are great for teachers, professionals, business leaders and the intellectually curious, and will leave anyone who uses them with a good conversational knowledge and understanding about new technologies. To learn more, visit www.futureoftech.org.
“There is no reason to fear the future,” says Thibodeaux. “By understanding the newest tech, you’ll be in a better position to harness it for your success.”